Thank you for supporting this ministry. Everything we do is made possible because of  your giving. You can support this ministry financially in the following ways: You can give your First Fruit, Tithes, Offering, Prayer Works Wonders, Building Offering, Thanksgiving Offering, Blessed To Be A Blessing, Welfare, & Donations via our secured system below.


This is the weekly/monthly donations you give as stated in the word of God – Mal 3:10 (Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it). Beloved, God is a rewarder of those who give to him, we want to encourage you to open your treasures unto the Lord and we are assured of Blessings without measures in Jesus name, Amen.
Following the instructions below to give your tithe/offering to the Lord:

Card Payment - Paypal


Please make cheques payable to RCCG LIVINGBREAD POST TO: 94 Blandford Street, NE13BT, Newcastle Upon Tyne


Lloyds Bank
Name: RCCG LivingBread
Sort Code: 30-93-55
Account Number : 02577685

Covenant Partners

Calvary greetings in Jesus name. 

I want to use this opportunity to invite as many who want to partner with us at RCCG LivingBread Church financially who want to to continually support us as God give you grace on a monthly basis and contribute to the work of the great commission and as the spirit leads. As many who choose to be our covenant partners in the work of the great commission. I promise you also that I will fast and pray always for you too and I believe as we joined our faith together in prayers all will be well with you and with me in Jesus name. Amen! Please follow the instruction below to give towards the work of the ministry:

Card Payment - Paypal


Please make cheques payable to RCCG LIVINGBREAD POST TO: 94 Blandford Street, NE13BT, Newcastle Upon Tyne


Lloyds Bank
Name: RCCG LivingBread
Sort Code: 30-93-55
Account Number : 02577685

Building Projects

Beloved, Whether you are a member of the RCCG LivingBread or not you can be part of the vision to purchase a  church building for the Lord and make your contribution online or by cash towards the building project below:

Card Payment - Paypal


Please make cheques payable to RCCG LIVINGBREAD
POST TO: 94-102 Blandford Street, NE1 3BT Newcastle upon Tyne UK


Lloyds Bank
Name: RCCG LivingBread
Sort Code: 30-93-55
Account Number : 02577685