Ministries & Departments

For even The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve.

Matthew 10:45

"A L L of you T O G E T H E R are C H R I S T'S B O D Y, and E A C H of Y O U is a P A R T of it."

1st Corinthians 12:27


Men are the pillars of society and the primary purpose of the Men’s Fellowship is to lead men to God and for them to mature in Christ. The Men`s fellowship realises the need for men to come together to discuss and develop their skills and abilities as husbands and fathers to lead their families in the Biblical way amidst so much confusion that plagues society.


Is a fellowship that is made up of married women and matured ladies. The vision is to be “united through love”. and to build women up spiritually, physically, emotionally, financially, mentally and socially. They meet to travail in prayers for the families, marriages, children and the church at large. They also meet to socialize and discuss topical issues.


Our aim is to Lead, Empower, Admonish, and Develop our youth in their walk of faith. is the Youth arm of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, LIVINGBread Parish. The fellowship comprises young men and women who are single and or aged 18 years old and above. It consists of a very unique generation of people who are passionate about the laws and principles of God. The vision of the fellowship is to raise a generation of ambassadors for Christ that will impact the city and the community positively through involvement in various community activities within the city. YAYF has varieties of soul lifting, inspirational, educative and informative programmes lined up annually specifically to help members improve themselves.


At RCCG LIVINGBread, we believe children are a blessing to us all and God has given them to us for His glory and purpose. To this effect, our mission is to help each child discover their God-given potentials through forming a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by accepting Him as their personal Lord and Saviour. Our programmes and activities are designed to help accomplish that mission. Children are taught age-appropriate lessons in each class to enlighten and challenge their young minds to be ambassadors for Christ everywhere they go. All our teachers are well trained, committed and caring.


 The Technical Department serves people through the audio tape duplication of every sermon. They sell, take orders and duplicate audio tapes before and after services. They also see to the arrangement and general maintenance of the church musical instruments. The Publicity section of the Department are responsible for all the publication needs of the church including our weekly bulletin, tracts, flyers and church quarterly magazines. They also updates our website.


This comprises of a group of very happy and receptive brethren. This Team is responsible for effectively planning and handling the travelling, lodging, accommodation and other logistics assignments of visiting Ministers of God and Guests to the Ministry. Their role is not only to ensure a memorable experience and comfort, but also that such Guests are able to focus on their primary assignment while here. This team’s responsibilities include but not limited to the entire trip planning and logistics; including flight and hotel booking, arrival, tourist guide within the city and departure. This department welcomes, integrate, assist, and involve new comers into our church family. They provide refreshments and planning of special events. They make them feel important and special and help them learn about more about the Church. They also follow-up with them during the course of several weeks praying for them, encouraging and empowering them to move forward in their spiritual journey.


The Choir leads us into the divine presence of God through praise, thanksgiving and worship.


This department serves the church as a whole seeing to the smooth running of all facets of the Ministry. They oversee the administration of the workforce


Every Worker belongs to this department. The primary purpose of this group is to reach out to the lost soul with the aim of bringing them to Christ and disciple them.


The department is responsible for maintaining orderliness and seating arrangement of people during the church service. They take regular attendance at any given church meeting and also receive and assist the administration/finance department in counting offerings and other administrative duties.


The Prayer warriors pray for the church and with anyone who asks for prayer through a prayer request. They meet both online and offline for prayer meetings.


This is educational ministry where every individual is ‘Instructed and Inspired’ through the teaching of the word various classes hold on Sunday Mornings beginning at 10:00am, The teaching ministries at RCCG LIVINGBread includes the followings:

  • Sunday School
  •  Baptismal/ Believers Class
  • Workers in Training
  • School of Disciples
  • RCCG Bible College


The welfare department’s focus is to fulfil this requirement by giving support to those who are in need, whether it is financial support, visiting people in their homes to give them an encouraging word or by counselling or mentoring them. This is the department dedicated to the welfare of the church members.


This department is responsible for the physical structure of the building and all equipments/facilities in it are in good order, ensuring that the building and all church facilities is well looked after and ready for use at all times. They ensure the general cleaning and beautification of the Church auditorium and premises on special occasions and during Sunday Services


Transportation is available (in certain areas) to bring people to church and take them home after service.


Our Drama Ministry is called LivingBread Playhouse.
Where we turn scriptures into pictures that will leave a lasting and life changing impact on the redeemed.
Drama is a very powerful ministry tool. It can be used to impact the church and the world for Christ.

The bible is full of drama! Some examples from the Old Testament can be seen in the Songs of Solomon, Ezekiel and Hosea.
In Songs of Solomon God adopts the art of poetry in His communication. There is a dramatic dialogue between the characters with responsive chorus. It is written in scenes like in a drama and is full of imagery and metaphors. The reader’s heart is warmed and impacted by its message of love.
In Ezekiel, drama is used as a tool to communicate God’s message.
God is the writer and the casting director. He instructed Ezekiel to build a set. The scene told a story that captivated the audience, making it possible for Ezekiel to deliver a powerful message from God.
This can be said to be the birth of drama ministry! This scene in Ezekiel brings to mind a quote by shakespare “All the world is a stage, and all the men and women are merely players…”

Another dramatic story is found in Hosea. God casted Prophet Hosea as an actor in this intimate story, which God used to illustrate his redeeming love.
In the New Testament, we see the example of Jesus. He adopted the method of story telling in communicating with his audience. Mathew 13:34 “Jesus always used stories and illustrations like these when speaking to the crowds. In fact he never spoke to them without using such parables.” I cannot imagine Jesus telling a boring story. He would have livened up his stories with different gestures, facial expressions, voice tones. He may even have asked someone in the audience to act as a character in his illustrations as he did with child in Luke 9:46-48 “… so he brought a child to his side. Then he said to them, anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my side…” This is drama!

God chose to communicate through arts and drama. This clearly shows that Christian drama, as a ministry is important.

We are genetically compelled to love stories. Thus a very good way of captivating our attention is by telling a story. Once the preacher has the attention of his audience he can impact them with a very a powerful word from the Lord.